Monday, November 3, 2008

Messiah to BANKRUPT an entire industry

Obama has said, in his own words, that his plans would bankrupt our coal industry. It would also skyrocket our electric and energy cost.

This is just outrageous. Why is all of this stuff just coming out now? Why has all of this stuff been hidden from us? I have a theory.

The main stream media has been in the tank for Obama since before Barack even hinted at running for President. I remember some in the media talking about how clean, how articulate, how smart this guy was and they dreamed of him running for president.

He was primed and pumped by the media to run. So he did run and the media protected him from day one. They gave him cover. The media did not vet this guy out. They refused to investigate his past and his beliefs. The media even refused to release information they have that is negative about Obama.

But now some of this stuff is starting to leak out. Why is this? Not to long ago we had Charlie Rose on his PBS show interviewing Dan Rather and they were both saying they did not "know anything about him (Obama)" How is this possible?

The press is beginning to distance themselves from this guy. They now understand, too late, that this guy is dangerous. But the main stream media cannot take him out now. They would look like the idiots they really are. We have had the middle and the right and even some on the left warn us about this guy but the media did not listen.

Now some of his policy preferences are coming to light and the press is getting nervous. Not to mention some of their own have been silenced by Obama. The press is starting to run from Obama. But in order to keep their credibility (what little they have left) they cannot turn on Obama now. After all they are responsible for putting him there.

So once this guy gets into office, they could find out that they made a horrible mistake. That even their own freedom to print and report what they want could be in danger. They understand that they also have to live in this nation no matter what else happens. They will end up paying the high taxes. They will end up having to pay those sky high energy cost.

And if energy cost rise, that means less of them with jobs. Now they are on the ropes and the media is looking for a way out. They are looking for a skapegoat. But they have only themselves to blame.

Now Barack will bankrupt a major US industry. We will pay sky high energy cost. Our taxes will rocket to the stratosphere. Our economy will tank and if you think this light recession is bad, wait until we get Jimmy Carter inflation and unemployment back. Then you will know pain. And so will those in the media. In fact some are quietly saying that an Obama recession would be worse than a Carter recession.

Is this what we really what we want for our nation?

By the way, you may ask when did Obama say these things? Back in January of 2008. JANUARY 2008. And we are just now hearing about it. And you don't think the main stream media is not in the tank for Obama? You better grow up fast. You have only a few hours.

Hey, freedom is not free but it doesn't have to come at the cost of an entire industry and Americans having to pay sky high electric rates.

Think about it folks.

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