Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Dawn of a New Era? Not likely

It has taken me a day to absorb the reality of what is President-elect Barack Obama. Now don't get me wrong. I knew in my gut that because Sen. McCain ran such a weak campaign that Obama would probably win so it was not such a shock to me when he did.

It was the realization that as our nation threw a temper tantrum at President Bush, they willingly handed control of our nation to Extremist, Socialist and Marxist. Yes I said it.

People thing President Bush did damage to our Constitution (and he did) just wait until Obama and his buddies along with Michelle Obama get hold of the reins of leadership. This could be one of the most bumpy rides our nation has seen since the civil war.

Why do I predict such dire circumstances? History. History has taught us, if you bother to read history, that certain things do not work in our nation or in any nation. Yet Obama and the gang are determined to repeat history.

Why is this? Do they really hate America? Do they secretly hate you and me, the average "Joe the Plumber?" No they don't. I really and truly believe they don't. They DO hate the fact that we are so successful and other nations are not. They do think it is unfair.

They also truly believe they know whats best for you and your family. They also want to control you and your family. Why else would they come out with laws that limit your freedom, your choice, take money from you in the form of taxes, etc? Is it because they love you? No they don't love you. They love power. And they love the country as they would like to see it, not as it is.

You see, it is unfair that France, China, England, Russia and other nations that are centuries older than the USA not have the same prosperity as we have. It is unfair that in less than 200 years we would become a world super power. It is unfair that we have things that other nations do not have. It is unfair that we are so rich when other nations are so poor.

Liberals, Socialist and Marxist see the worlds wealth and product as finite. The only way we can have more is if we take from someone else. This of course if stupidity at its highest level, but that is what they believe.

Listen to Obama talk about "spreading the wealth around". If Obama believed wealth was infinite, then there would be no need to spread the wealth around. He would believe that the best way to end poverty would be to help the poor and middle class get educated and create there own jobs, businesses, investment, etc in order to produce their own wealth. Instead he believes that the only way to elevate the poor is to take from the rich and then give it to the poor.

Never mind that this ideal has never worked through out the history of mankind. Never mind that almost every modern nation that has tried such a thing has failed and has now adopted some form of capitalism. Never mind that many nations are giving their people more freedom and relaxing government control and regulations. Never mind the fact that the USA already has the highest Corporate tax rates in the world. It does not matter.

It does not matter to them because they are gods. They are smarter than you or I. They know best. And those countries and leaders all throughout history were not smart enough to make their ideas work. But Palosi, Reed and Obama are smart enough to make these failed ideas work.

There is a famous saying "the true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result each time." This is what our Liberal pals in Congress think. This is what Obama thinks.

Am I depressed? No I am not. Am I concerned? Yes I am. Don't get me wrong, I truly hope that Obama does the right thing and we prosper as a nation. But I know Liberals and Socialist. I know what Obama and his gang want to do. I know history has shown that their ideas are abysmal failures.

So what am I going to do? First I am going to dump my 401k. There is no way I am giving the government control over the money that I have saved and invested. And neither should you. I will have to look at this proposal that Nancy Palosi has a little closer to determine where to put my money but it will not be in any vehicle that the government gets to control. Yes, I will take the penalty and tax hit before I let Obama and the gang totally destroy my savings.

I am going to hoard cash. Yes I am going to save my money and invest in things that are not so volatile such as precious metals. After all, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickle have never been worth zero. I will invest in money market funds and high yielding CD's and maybe even government bonds. No not treasury notes but municipal bonds.

If a recession does come on full force, I will refuse to participate by working my tale off to provide products and services that people want and are willing and able to pay for.

Until the government tells me what job I must do, they will not be able to keep me from doing what I want to do and becoming as successful as I want to be. This is still America after all. And there will always be those who wish to control me and you so they will always make stupid laws that have legal loop holes in them. I am free to exploit those loop holes and I will and so should you.

I will cling to my guns and my religion and I will be free because that is what God and our Constitution intended for us to be.

I guess that is why I live in a state where the motto is "Live Free or Die!" That's right people. Give me liberty or give me death.


Unknown said...

Very interesting post! I of course can respectfully agree or disagree with a lot of what you said but I wont!!
My only comment is about China. I must point out that China (unbeknown to many) is a very wealthy country and is by far wealthier than our country and better educated. For years we have borrowed money from China, outsourced millions of jobs to china who in turn make sub par goods and then sell those same sub par goods back to us at highway robbery prices while paying their workers slave/sweat shop salaries. China also owns a majority of American banks.
As an Obama supporter I don't debate the pros and cons, I just sincerely hope he can bring this country back to greatness, as a Christian I pray that God guides his hands in the very daunting task of being Commander & Chief! I pray for our country and our people!
Sorry for the long response, I just have real issues with China!!

Zinc Media Books said...

China's power is great and is very evident. We can see it in their building boom from everything from sky scrapers to huge infrastructure projects like damns and ports. Yes they have money. Lots of it.

I also pray and hope Obama is given wisdom by God to guide our nation in a positive and correct way. However, I have reservations about his ideas and his ability to lead.

But you are curious. I cannot understand how a true Christian can support a man of ANY color who supports partial birth abortion and infanticide. It boggles my mind.