Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Designer Kitty Has Environmental Impact. Kyoto to follow

This is just a bit of a rant that is a bit off topic of liberty and freedom. Well at least in the fact that is has nothing to do with politics. But I guess it does have to do with business. And you could say it has a little to do with the environment and animals. So, yes, OK, I think that those wackos who are all for the animals would rise up and scream about this.

So even when I think I am not on topic, after thinking about it, I am on target and on topic after all. Now what has me shaking my head but looking out for the radical who wants to pass a law that would limit your choices? Well I ran across this story last week.

Well, I run across so much in a day that I cannot get to everything. I actually should think about having a radio or on line radio talk show. I could get through a lot more material then. But there is so much in a week that can and does affect and effect your liberty and freedom.

Even the obscure stuff like this story has a bearing on your life. The story is about a cat. Yes, I said a cat. A very expensive cat. In fact it is billed as the most expensive cat in the world. A cat that cost as much as a car. Actually a cat that cost more than many cars in the showrooms today.

This is a mixed breed cat. Its a mix of an African serval and Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. Yes, this thing has wild cat, big cat running through its veins. And this is no little purring fluff ball. This thing can weigh 30 lbs. That is the size of a medium dog. Make sure you don't have mice in your home.

Can you see this thing chasing a mouse in your dining room? What about the furniture? It won't scratch the sofa, it will shred it. And the litter box. Oh my. That is an awful lot of cat litter every week not to mention the size of the litter box you will need.

So this means that because we will have a bigger domestic cat that we, as a nation, will use more natural resources. It will take more to feed this thing. Which in turn puts more stress on our fragile environment because we will need to take up more land to raise animals and grains to feed this huge cat.

We will use more chemicals because of what it takes to make kitty litter. Not to mention more landfill space will be taken up with the spend kitty litter. That will put stress on the environment and cause our landfills to fill up faster.

Lets not forget the added cost of furniture. Well, you will have to replace your furniture more because this thing is so big it would damage your sofa or at least shorten the lifespan of your sofa. So in order to keep up with fashion and trends and good looks, you would have to replace that sofa more often than you usually would. Again, adding to the landfill problem and causing more trees to be cut down in order to build the frames of the sofa and more chemicals to be used to make and color the fabrics and make the foam that cover and go into the sofa so you can sit on it.

Forget the fact that this thing will cost you around $30 thousand to get, it will cost you more in vet cost. It will cost you more in sofa cost. It will cost you more in food cost. And the environmental impact is just too expensive to even try to list here.

Plus the last but not least fact. What will happen to the wild cat population if we take the dna and transform it into domestic cats? Will we be thinning the wild cats that are already on the endangered list? How can we live with ourselves spending $30 thousand when there are children on the streets of the world starving and diseases that are killing innocent people around the world. There should be a law against such extravagance. We cannot afford to have cats like this. I predict we have only 50 years before the world ends because of these huge domestic cats. We must act now in order to save the planet. We must past the Kyoto treaty. This treaty will prevent the birthing of such cats and we will save our planet.

You know, the problem with the above is that for the logical mind, we know that I am only half kidding. That is the scary part. Oh, take a look at this kitty. It really is rather beautiful but costing almost as much as a small BMW, I think I will pass on this kitty.

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