Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cradle of our Nations Freedom Attacks Constitutional Rights

Boston is a crazy little town. It is a city of about 500,000 people give or take a few thousand. Also known as Bean Town and the home of the American Revolution. It is a city built upon civic duty and conservative principles.

It is so amazing to look at Boston today and think that it once was a cradle of our nations battle for freedom and liberty. You look at Boston now and you see a city that is run by Democrat hacks and thieves and thugs.

These people do not believe in the freedom of the people. The mayor, Tom Menino, is a Liberal Democrat hack who has been in office since the early 90's. What makes that amazing is this guy cannot talk. In fact he is referred to as Mumbles Menino.

But that is not what this post is about. I ran across another blog that mentioned and talked about one of Mayor Menino's bright ideas. It smacks right in the face of liberty and the Constitution. But that does not bother Liberal Democrats.

But thankfully the people of this great city are beginning to wake up a little and see what is really going on. The city has this project the call Safe Home. In a nutshell, the Boston City Police Department would go from home to home in what they called “high risk” neighborhoods and ask the residents if they could enter the home to search for guns being held by those under the age of 17.

At first glance you might think that this was a great idea. Get illegal guns off the street. But for those of us who know our rights as protected by the Constitution, we know this is a huge violation of the document. Not to mention it opens up a plethora of problems and issues for the owner or occupant of the home.

What the Police are hoping you will do is to voluntarily give up your rights. They think they can come into your home under the guise of “helping you and the neighborhood. This is far from the truth. Grizzly Groudswell put it very succinctly when he described what could happen once the police are in your home even if you invite them in voluntarily.

You must understand whenever the government, no matter what party, says they are doing something for your safety and it involves a direct violation or “voluntary” giving up of your rights, you will not get safety. You will get thugs and bullies with government badges in your home and you will have a damn hard time of getting them out.

Once you let the government in your home, they can do a number of things and you will be powerless to stop them. The Constitution gives you specific protection from government intrusion into your home. So why then would you invite the government in? They cannot protect you and your family. It is not the governments job to protect you and your family.

You cannot abdicate the raising of your children to the government either. Once you do so, you will never be free of the government. This is not liberty. It is not life. It is Tierney.

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