Thursday, February 14, 2008

The House of Reprehensibles still doing nothing

Today, the House of Reprehensibles voted for contempt of Congress charges on two of President Bush's aids. Josh Bolton and Harriet Miers were held in contempt because they are accused of failing to testify and refused Congress' demands for documents related to the 2006 and 2007 Justice Department firings.

This is totally reprehensible because there are more pressing issues that this do-nothing congress needs to be focusing on. Economic issues. Energy issues. National security issues. They all have more importance than this notion that Bush fired a host of prosecutors simply for political reasons.

First of all, of course it was political. What in Washington, D.C., is not political? Did the Republicans hold endless hearings on Bill Clinton's White House because of over 700 missing FBI files? No. We still don't know what happened to all those files.

This is nothing more than a witch hunt. Make no mistake about it. The Democrats are still upset about Republicans Impeaching Bill Clinton back in the 90's. The Democrats are still angry that the rule of law prevailed and Bush won the White House back in 2000. Then Democrats are 0 – 2 and they resent it big time.

They have been trying so hard to “nail” George Bush that they investigate “Ken Star” style and still they can't find any dirt. The best they can do is catch someone in a lie and then its because the person who they accuse of lying agreed to cooperate. So don't expect people to run to a Democrat controlled House and be willing to cooperate. They know they will be asked question on top of question and each time they will be looking for even the smallest “lie” in order to pounce and take them to trial.

This is what happened to “Scooter” Libby. He cooperated and low and behold, he was caught in a small lie and wham, he finds himself getting convicted of purgery. Didn't Bill Clinton commit purgery while sitting in a court room? Yes he did and every body knows he did. But is Clinton sitting in a jail, where he belongs? No.

This Congress has an approval rating hovering just above 10% and they think they are doing the business of the people? Of course not. They are doing exactly what they accuse Bush of doing. They are playing politics.

Everyone in the Federal Departments serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States. He is charged with making sure those departments function. The president has every right, as the Chief Executive Officer of the country to hire and fire whomever he chooses. So yes, the president has the right to hire and fire based on a persons politics. After all if a person will not do what the president want, just like in private business, he has a right to replace that person to do what he feels is the right thing.

So if President Bush had a number of Democrat prosecutors fired, it is because they did not do their jobs to the satisfaction of the president. He had every right to fire them. In fact Bill Clinton fired nearly the entire staff of the Justice Department when he first entered office. But we did not hear a peep from the Democrats then.

So why is it that this congress feels it needs to hold a couple of low level aids in contempt. Well actually its about the only thing they have been able to accomplish since taking the majority. Now I wonder who is playing politics.

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