Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clinton Machine Crashes

It looks like the Clinton Machine is crashing and burning. Hillary has loaned her campaign 5 million dollars. She has fired her campaign manager. She is conceding certain states to Obama in order to concentrate on states with more delegates.

Clinton is also pissed. This is the woman whom every one had anointed the next President of the USA. But then came along a challenger whom she dismissed at first. But no matter what she did, this skinny upstart from the state of IL would not go away.

In fact he pushed forward and even began winning. This was not supposed to happen. Hillary was o the ropes. She was so badly bruised that she even tried to cry on national TV. That ploy backfired. She tried putting forth a more "human" side. Nobody believed it. Many Americans view her still as an Ice Queen.

The big test was last week when most political pundits, up until the last minute, kept saying it was going to be a decisive victory for Clinton. It was not. In fact Obama made inroads. Obama built more momentum. Obama began looking like he could and would win the nomination.

Hillary brought out her husband Bill who tried to hammer on Obama. It didn't work. Hillary brought out her daughter, Chelsea, to try and woo the young and college vote. It didn't work either.

What will Hillary try and do now? Her negatives are still nearly twice that of President Bush even though some polls suggest that if the election were today she would edge out Republican McCain. This is highly unlikely since McCain has far lower negative numbers than Hillary.

What we will see is Hillary getting nasty. What we will see is the Clinton machine trying to get back in gear and try and tear Obama a new one. There is already some evidence of this. Clinton is hinting that Obama is taking money from lobbyist and giving them breaks and perks. As if the Clintons' are not the masters of paying off their lobbyist friends.

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