Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Battle in Iraq, a position paper

The War in Iraq.

First we need to get one thing straight. It is not the “War” in Iraq. That is like saying it was the War of the Bulge. That is wrong because it misses the big picture. It is the “Battle” of Iraq. Its the War on Terror.

The main stream press has made this battle seem like a stand alone war. That misses the big picture. Iraq is a part of the whole war on terror. Even the White House mentions it wrongly on numerous occasions.

If you notice we don't call it the War in Afghanistan. The main stream press calls it a conflict or battle. Why then do they make a distinction with Iraq? Simple, its because the left does not want you, the general public, to see the correlation between Iraq and the war on terror.

The left fails to tell you about how much a ruthless dictator Saddam Hussein was. They forget to mention that this man killed thousands of his own people using weapons of mass destruction. They forget to tell you about how Saddam sponsored terrorism. They forget to tell you that Saddam offered to pay the families of suicide bombers in Israel. They forget to tell you that Saddam ignored nearly all of the United Nations resolutions that he agreed to at the end of Desert Storm.

You also hear the Democrat presidential candidates talk about pulling out of Iraq. They talk about how they would “end the War in Iraq”. The problem is that they know there is no war there. Its a battle within the war on terror. They also know that they cannot pull all troops out of there any time soon or they will create a vacuum that would be filled by just about every radical Islamist in the world.

They also fail to tell the American people that pulling out of Iraq does not mean pulling all troops out of the Middle East.

Here is the truth about the War on Terror and the Middle East. We, the USA, cannot pull out of those nations in the middle east. No President will pull out all troops out of Iraq when they take office and for good reason. They also know that the threat to the American people here and abroad remains great and that pulling out as the radicals demand, would in no way reduce the danger to our nation and its citizens abroad.

Look at Spain. They pulled out yet still suffer attacks from Islamist. England has announced its pullout and reduced its troops to the bear minimum yet they still are targets for attacks. This is not a war for oil. We can see that by the price at the pump and in our home heating oil tanks. We have fuel bills that are the highest they have ever been. Hardly a war for oil.

This is not a touchy featly thing that will just go away because we want the world to love us again. The United States is loved the world over by the people of the world. Yes world governments may not like us so much but that is for a number of reasons including just plain old jealousy. The people of the world still risk life and limb to get into this country legally and illegally. You don't find so many people trying to get into any other nation as much or as often as they do in the USA.

In short, there is no pull out in the near future for our troops. It is not the USA that needs to work to be liked. It is the radicals that need to accept our right to live on this planet in peace and if they do not accept that basic fact, we should respond in a way that they understand even if that means occupation of some other nations.
This is a world wide threat. No nation is safe so long as these radicals roam free to reek havoc on innocent people. As long as our armed forces engage the enemy on their turf, the chance of them being able to successfully hit us on our own soil is less.

That is what this War on Terror is all about. Our safety. Indeed, its about our very survival. Simple. Logical. The right thing to do for you and your children.

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