Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How did Obama get elected?

There is not much I can say about this so I will let the video below do all the talking.

This is just a crying shame. Half of their information is false, as in plain wrong. The other half of their information...oh wait they don't have any other information other than tabloid fodder. Gotta love our "fair and balanced" media.

And the Liberal Democrats think we need a "fairness doctrine" for radio. I guess that is the last place where people can learn the truth but the Liberals are not standing for that.

Time to pick up your guns and ammo cause its gonna get nasty out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rod. Very nice website, although my sympathies would be democratic if I were American, still enjoy your straight talk. Well-written. To see what I write down in Zimbabwe, visit me on