Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Death of Freedom? Not on my watch.

The economy is on every ones radar right now. You cannot go an hour without hearing about the economy and how it is in a tail spin. You cannot turn on the TV or radio without some kind of bad news about the economy. In fact even when there is some good news (rare as it may seem) it is buried by all the bad news.

This would leave one to believe that we are in the days of the worst economy in history. Or at least the worst economy since the great depression, according to the messiah, President-elect Obama.

Now this brings me to my point of this post. The arrogance of our leaders is astounding. Not one of them (except for President Bush) is touting free markets. Not one of them (again except for President Bush) is talking about less government. No, our leaders are enthralled with the notion that more government, bigger government is the key to all our worries. Big government will fix our problems. Huge government is the answer to the stock market, Detroit auto makers, big banks and the mortgage mess, wall street greed and general "Main Street" economic decline.

How, I ask you, how can more government, more regulation by people who have never run private companies do anything more efficiently than the American people? They have proven though history that they cannot.

But this economy is the perfect vehicle for the "nanny state" proliferaters to take your freedom. They will immerse your business, your company, your employer in red tape. This red tape will eat at profits. This red tape will force people to fire workers. This red tape will force some companies on the edge to go out of business without the hope of being saved.

Oh, but wait, they can be saved only if they let the government take them over, buy them out and then tell them how to run. No, no, no. This is NOT what the Founding Fathers had in mind. This is what the Founding Fathers feared. This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about. They are shouting from their graves via their letters, notes, other writings and the Constitution.

"Government," as stated by Ronald Reagan, "all to often is not the answer. It is the problem."

Now think about this for a minute. There have been huge debates about who is responsible for the mortgage melt down. I think that if you looked at the evidence with an objective eye, you will see that most of the blame falls on the Liberal Democrats. Palosi, Reed, Dodd and even Obama all had a big hand in helping our economy turn on its ear and head for the pits of hell.

Yet these are the same people who are now saying they can FIX the problems of the world. They did this on purpose. They did this to get you to fear. They did this so you would let them take your freedom away from you.

The Liberal Democrats have tried for decades to grow government and take your liberty from you. Most of the time they did not succeed. But then, Democrats can learn from history as well. We now have the perfect storm of history, Democrats and radical ideas coming together. This storm was engineered from the beginning. This storm was planned and executed with precision and malice.

Hitler took the people of Germany down a path they would not have gone if it were not for the fact that the German people were scared to death of what was going to happen to them after first Great War. As things got worse for Germany, the more power Hitler was able to amass. He kept up his rhetoric and fear mongering until things got so bad that the German people gave Hitler exactly what he wanted.

Are we at that cross road now? Is this the storm that the Liberal Democrats have in store for us? You bet your bottom American dollar it is. Look at what they are doing now. Obama has won the White House. He is running around acting like he is already in office. This is unheard of. He does not take control until January 20, 2009 yet he is pushing Bush aside like he was nothing more than table scraps.

He has the audacity to tell a sitting President what he wants that President to do before he takes over. Unheard of.

Nancy and the gang are chomping at the bit to get the chance to investigate, prosecute and jail as many of the Bush team as possible. This is also unheard of. We the people cannot stand for this. This is not justice. This is not fairness. This is not peace. This is not the American way. This IS the new tone that those now in power intend to set.

Mark my words, if we do not stop them here, stop them now, we will not be able to stop them later. They will build momentum and enact laws that will make if hard if not impossible to stop them in the future.

No, America, this is not how a great nation continues to be great. We have a job to do and it won't be easy or pretty. And Obama was right, it will take sacrifice but not the kind of sacrifice that he wants from us. It will take guts, strength, wisdom and gumption that has not been seen on our land since the founding of this great country.

This is YOUR country. It does not belong to Palosi. It does not belong to Reed. It does not belong to Dodd. It does not belong to Frank. It does not belong to Obama. It belongs to YOU and to ME. And that is how the Founding Fathers intended it to be.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Those who give up liberty for security truly deserve neither."

I say you can only have security through liberty. Period.

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