Friday, October 31, 2008

In his own Words Part 2 and 3 and...

Obama doesn't care about taxes. He doesn't care about government revenue. He doesn't care who he hurts. He only wants things to be "fair" so he will raise taxes no matter how much higher taxes will hurt the treasury.

He admits that tax hikes would hurt the economy. So if the economy were strong then he would hurt it by raising taxes. Now if the whole idea is to make things fair and to pay as you go, would it not make sense, using the Obama logic, to raise taxes? In the spot above, Obama says it is not about putting money in the Treasury, it is all about fairness.

Obama thinks that paying more taxes is neighborly. And he thinks that even though lower taxes brings in more money to the treasury, the rich can afford to pay more than the lower classes but that is not class war fair. Who is this guy kidding.

When it comes to national defense, Obama doesn't know what he is talking about. He shows that he is a freshman Senator. He shows that he does not understand the dangers that we as a nation faces or that he does not really care about those dangers.

I could go on and on to show you that in his own words, Obama proves himself to be ill equipped to lead our great land. He is sorely lacking in the stature to make tough decisions. He is a socialist at best and a Marxist at worst. He wants class war fair to be inflamed to a level not before seen in our nation.

Don't listen to what others say about Obama, listen to what he says. He goes against history and statistics that prove he is wrong. He is arrogant and naive to think that even the smallest of nations pose no threat to our safety and survival. He hides his true beliefs. He hides who he is. He tries to shut the opposition up. He is against the Constitution. He will punish success.

All of this and more, Obama says and proves himself with no help from anyone else. How can you or anyone else vote for such a dangerous man? I cannot and I will not. Obama does not deserve your vote. And that is the truth.

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