Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Have we lost our way?

We have spent countless hours in America arguing about this and that in the political spectrum. It has been for the most part, a healthy discussion on what each of us believes. Or has it?

What I have noticed is that there are so many people who believe that the government should be taking care of us from the womb to the tomb. They also believe that the government should not be involved in war no matter what happens yet they will not accept the notion that an unborn child is still a child that has the right to at least be born.

They talk about a womans right to chose what to do with her body but want the government to tell us what to do in just about every other aspect of our life.

Don't get me wrong, the right side of the political isle hasn't been too much better than the left. They often demand that (and I am a Christian Reverend so take that into consideration) Christianity be the national religion. This when Christ Himself said He would force no man to come unto Him. The Christian Right often degrades into hateful groups that denigrate others when they know Christ would have had no part in what they are doing. Don't believe me, then read the bible again and tell me where Christ would have said it was OK to people names and spew hate and vile at them.

As a nation I believe we have lost our way. And it is not all the fault of politicians. We, the people are to blame. Many of us have never read the Constitution let alone know what it really says. (Some polls have said as many as 70% of Americans believe the statement "Separation of Church and State" is IN the Constitution...it is NOT)

The Constitution simply put says that you are the master of your own life, not the government. It is governments job to keep order and to protect you from dangers outside our borders so that you may live to create the life you want within our borders. The Founding Fathers were clear on their intent. You, American man and woman, have the God given right to live your life in freedom and peace free from government interference.

Sadly so many of you want government to be in your car, living room, office and bedroom. You want the government to take care of your kids and your health. You want the government to tell you and your neighbor how to get along instead of talking to each other to find a common ground.

This does not mean we cannot find our way back. We still have a chance. We can embrace true freedom again. We can take responsibility for our lives again. We can vote for those people who believe that the American people are the best judge of how to live their own lives.

We have so much opportunity in our land. This is why so many others in the world risk so much to get here. They see and understand the opportunity we have. They know that if they could only get here that their lives would be so much more enriched. They are willing to risk it all. Some die trying to get here because that is how much our nation means to them.

Yet we who are born here tend to dump on it and demand that the government take care of us. It is sad indeed when someone born outside of our borders has a greater chance of becoming a millionaire here than the person who is born here.

The immigrant has not lost their way. They understand what America stands for and means far better than many of us who are native. The immigrant has not lost their way. We can look to their ambitions, their dreams to shine light on our own. We have hope in ourselves not in government. No one man or party can bring you hope. You bring hope into your life by your actions not by what someone else can do for you.

Yes, we have lost our way, but we are not lost. We can still see the right path if we would only have the guts to put our feet back on that path.

We must become a nation of leaders again. We need to drop this cloak of followers. God did not call on us to be followers of anyone but Him. We must be leaders one and all. Leaders do not depend on another for their very existence.

We have to lead in our homes, in our schools, our churches, public and private organizations, etc, etc. We have to drop this idea that the government owes us everything. The point is, WE are the government so we can only give to ourselves what we give to the government.

Our nation was not founded by weakness. It was founded on strength and principle. We can find that principle and that strength again. In fact we need to demand it.

Government can not give you anything in which you have not given to it. And as history has proven, government cannot do something better for you that you can do for yourself. The Constitution was clear on that. We the people are responsible for our own actions, our own lives. We cannot give government the power to live our lives for us. It will be a total disaster if we give it that kind of power and none of us will ever be happy.

Stop. Think. Vote.

1 comment:

Reflections Magazine editor said...

Powerful, well written and so true. You illustrate excellent examples.

I play a video of the Constitution in my class. Some of my students do not remember reading it in public school and if they did, they never understood it. Even in college they hear and see the words and still do not understand. Because I teach English and not Constitutional Law, I cannot spend too much time on the subject, but I do make an attempt at discussing some of the major points. For the average person the founding fathers' message is much too difficut to decipher. And I even wonder sometimes if most people in the US even truly comprehend the true meaning of freedom and liberty. We take for granted so much of what we have because we have grown complacent and unappreciative. You know the saying you never know what you have until you lose it? Well, if, like a portion of the population in South Florida, you come from another country where all has been taken from you or from a country where you were not allowed to have anything to begin with, then you may just appreciate the greatness of this country.

Your post reaffirms the need for more education at all levels of our lives. I will contnue to incorporate more discussions and review of current issues into my curriculum plan. I want to provide a platform for students to evaluate and analyze and become leaders rather than blind followers. Perhaps we can find a way...at least I hope.

Thank you for writing this. :)