Sunday, March 16, 2008

Food Police in the land of the Free

The food police are out in full force now. It is official. Boston is going to become the next city in a nation of “free” people to ban the use of trans-fats in food. Of course some of you think there is nothing wrong with that.

Boston joins New York City and Philadelphia (the city of Brotherly Love and one of the cradle cities of our nations birth) to ban this heart stopping kind of bad fat. But wait, I thought we lived in the land of freedom. I thought we lived in the land where you have the freedom and the right to chose. I guess some people think they know whats best for you and will chose for you.

Come, on now. Did you honestly think these liberal wackos would stop at cigerettes? It has gotten so bad with those things now, that some cities and towns won't even let you smoke them in public parks. Some states are considering banning them from cars, your car, if it has your kids in it.

The nanny state is going too far and each and ever one of you is letting it happen. Most of us don't remember the time of prohibition. That is a time when our illustrious leaders sought to put a ban on alcohol in the constitution. It was a total disaster and a true attack on personal freedom.

This is getting way out of control. We are bringing homosexual sex out into the open but forcing people who like to smoke and eat into the closet. If you think for one instant that the food and society police are going to stop at this level, then you are stupid. Let me be blunt. You are stupid and probably deserve to have your freedom taken away.

You are now being told what you can and cannot eat. Sure smoking may be bad for your health. But are they so sure that eating trans fats in moderation is bad? No they are not. We seem to find on a daily basis, some culture around the world that eats more of a particular bad food than we do yet they have a much lower heart disease rate than we do. They have lower diabetes rates than we do. They have lower disease rates in nearly everything that we do. And they have no universal health care.

Maybe its just the fact that these people have learned how to live their own lives without the government telling them how to. They have lived their lives and their way of life for centuries without the interference of some busy body government official trying to tell them what to put into their mouths.

Our government can't even get the food pyramid right and you will give them the power to tell you what to eat and how to live? This makes no sense. There should be outrage and loud voices of opposition to this sort of thing.

But no, our governments enact legislation that restricts your freedom and you barely make a peep. So when they come for your favorite pastime or food, when they take away your right to do what you want and should be able to do in your own home, in your own car, you will have only yourself to blame.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is one of those things that just totally enrages and bewilders me at the same time. While the government leaves New Orleans to die, they spend time and money trying to tell me how to live my life. Sorry, I am going to smoke my cigars and eat my fatty food if I want too. At the same time I will help take care of my community and be a bleeding heart liberal. Because true liberals keep their hands out of other people's private business.

Sorry for the rant...