Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Al Gore may be sued over Global Warming film

This is one of those 'why didn't someone think of this before' kind of things. It seems that the founder of the Weather Channel (John Coleman) and a Meteorologist is doing something thinking of doing something that should have been done long ago.

Mr. Coleman thinks that Al Gore should be sued over Global Warming. Citizen Sugar is reporting that the founder of the Weather Channel and a Meteorologist thinks that Al Gore should be be sued over the damage he and his cohorts have caused.

Now I happen to like this approach. It would serve the left and the alarmist well to have to prove their theories and to have them stop making such claims like 'a majority of scientist believe that global warming caused by man exist'. This is a bunch of bunk. A majority of scientist do NOT believe that global warming exist.

In fact, whenever a sound and prominent scientist questions or debunks global warming, they are threatened and the media jumps down their throats. Even the once conservative Weather Channel is now a liberal outpost. In fact the Weather Channel’s Heidi Cullen has called for Meteorologist who disagree with the Global Warming theory to lose their license. How is that keeping things open and true to science?

This is not how science proves it theories, by blasting those who disagree with one point of view. Besides this is not a simple disagreement. These scientist have legitimate scientific data to show that global climate change being caused by man is bunk. They have data to show that global warming is nothing more than junk science.

Even the usually liberal British High Court ruled that Al Gores move 'An Inconvenient Truth' was full of misleading statements and ordered that any public school in England that showed this film must point out the lies, inaccuracies and false science.

This is not something minor that should just be shrugged off. Lets face it, environmental alarmist are causing havoc with economies of the world with their demands and proposed laws. The Kyoto treaty was just such an economic disaster especially since global warming is not a proven theory.

Of course you have those that say we should not wait till it is too late to act. Then again should we spend so much time, money and effort on something that is false and will never happen? Of course not. In fact, this type of thing has been argued to have killed people.

The point is that global warming is not real. The earth has always gone through weather cycles and we also know the sun has a huge impact on our weather and climate as a whole. In fact the sun spot activity right now is the highest it has been in 8000 years. We know for a fact that sun spot activity has a direct and an indirect affect on our climate. So what are we going to do about the sun then?

Besides we also know that the earth has been warmer in the past than it is now and it has also been colder in the past than it is now. Remember, man has only had the ability to affect our climate less than 150 years. Being of sound logic, I find it hard to believe that we could adversely affect or effect or world wide climate in such a short period of time and at such a drastic level.

The earth can and has adapted to lots of things in its history and it will continue to do so. Of course man can not go on just polluting because it will affect us directly but to think that in the next 20, 50 or 100 years we will change the climate of the globe so drastically that we will all die is ludicrous and the liberals know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TitanTV has committed to creating a small segment about this topic on our show Daily Greens. It explains a little about the situation at hand and a little of our opinion on it. Check out the video on youtube at and also check out our website at to check out other shows and more episodes of Daily Greens.