Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Colors Don't Run.

Today Barack Obama continues his winning streak in the Democrat Primary. Hillary Clinton, of course, still touts her supposed 35 years of service that makes her the only Democrat ready to lead on day one in the White House.

I am still trying to figure out what she has done all those 35 years. All I hear for her is that she wants to take away our freedoms when she gets into office. All I hear is how she wants to take care of all of us. The problem with taking care of us is she and her other Democrat friends will have to pounce on the Constitution.

Thrashing the Constitution is not limited to Democrats. Republicans have done it as well. In fact we have a front runner on the Republican side that was a co sponsor of a bill that became law that limits our freedom of speech. It's called the McCain Fiengold bill. It limits most Americans free speech when it comes to elections.

They argued that money is not equal to free speech. The real reason for this law is to limit opposition close to an election. This is not the American way. Not by the standards of the US Constitution.

Let me be very clear. I do not believe any of the major candidates have yours or my best interest in their minds. Oh they may say they do but its all in their actions, not what they give lip service to. How can you say you are for freedom and choice when you want to take over a major part of every Americans life?

How can you say you are for freedom when you are for making laws that limit choice and attack the very freedoms that are written within the Constitution? You can't. Look around you. Do you honestly believe that limiting your freedoms is better for you and your family and business? Of course not.

We have more laws on our books than ever before. We have laws that contradict some other laws. We have laws that are so confusing that it is nearly impossible for prosecutors and judges to adjudicate them. We have laws that fly directly in the face of the Constitution limiting the every day freedoms of the average American.

Lets face it, we have been the frog in the pot far too long. It is time we jump out of this pot and reclaim what is rightfully ours. The Constitution guarantees us our freedom. The courts are supposed to make sure of this and the executive offices of the states and the federal level are supposed to make sure those rights are safe and enforced.

I love my country. Let me repeat that. I love the United States of America. No it is not a perfect country. It does not have a perfect history. With my heritage, I know how imperfect it has been and how imperfect it still is. However, after visiting and/or living in other nations on this globe, I can tell you there is no other place as nice or free.

But it seems Americans are eager to elect those people who are more than happy to strip them of their basic rights. This I just do not understand. I would fight and die willingly to protect and preserve what our Founding Fathers fought so hard to give me and my heirs. I will support anyone who will truly support the Constitution of the United States. I will fight to defend the rights of all of those who disagree with me for that very reason that differences of opinion have helped make our country so great.

But what I cannot stand by and let happen is a bunch of politicians stomp on the graves of our Founding Fathers and strip the Constitution bare. Oh the carnivores are feasting on the American people rights and the American people keep serving them up with bear to wash it all down.

But not this American. Not this Constitution loving American. You should not let your rights be taken away. You should demand that the rights you have lost be returned and you can do that by voting for those who stand up for the Constitution. And for those of you who support him, I do not believe in him. I am talking about Ron Paul. He is not the right person at the right time for a number of reasons that really belong in another post.

Just think about what I have said. Take an hour or so and read the Constitution. It is YOUR Constitution. It belongs to all of us and you should know what you are giving up when you vote for those who say they want to “help and take care of you” because in the end, they only help and take care of themselves at your expense.

When you vote, vote for the Constitution of the United States of America. Never, never, never let your colors run. Mine don't and never will.

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