Friday, June 10, 2022

Freedom Is The Dream Of Man


There is nothing more tantalizing than freedom. There is nothing more frightening than freedom. There is nothing more fragile than freedom.

Freedom has always caught the imagination of the poor, the down trodden, the meek, the poor. Since the days of man's first civilization, freedom has been a concept not often experienced in reality by many humans.

The thought of being free to eek out a life the way in which that individual wants and dreams of has caused many to plan, to fight, to die in an effort to achieve and experience it. Over the centuries many have salivated at the very thought and notion of it.

Freedom is also very frightening to many. It means less power for those who want to be in charge of every aspect of every day life. It means you are the master of your life, your destiny with no safety net. You live and or die by your own hand, imagination, work ethic.

Its also very, very fragile. It is under constant threat by those who abhor its very nature, its very being. Those who have a disdain for freedom will do whatever they can to crush it, bury it, burn it, grind it into a pulp and then spread that pulp over a swamp of authoritarianism. And this sort of thing can happen in an instant or slowly over time.

Those who love freedom must always be vigilant for those who hate it. You see, the haters often depict themselves as something more fantastic. They depict themselves as saviors of mankind. They have a better way. And they claim all they want to do is take care of the poor, make things more fair.

Their true goal is to enslave you, crush your spirit, make you dependent on them for your very existence. You see, that is their drug. They get high on the fact that they can and do rule over you. The Freedom Haters have always been anti-human. If you don't bow down to them and worship them then those same people who claim they only want to help you, protect you, provide for you, save you from yourself, have no issue with killing you, tossing you aside, destroying you.

This has been true through history.

From kings and queens, to emperors, to Chairmen of authoritarian political parties, none have actually delivered on their promise of a better society, utopia. NONE!

What these rulers of men have done, what they have left behind is a massive highway of death, despair and destruction.

Those who are free and believe in the very tenants of freedom have no desire to conquer, to rule over, to disparage others. They have always fought to protect the freedom of others even if those others were not their kin, neighbors, city, country. They believe everyone should be able to experience freedom and to live as they see fit. And they are willing to lay their own lives down in order to secure such freedom not only for themselves but for others.

Even if a dictator of any kinds succeeds in crushing freedom for some, they can never kill it. Freedom is always the dream of man. It always has been. It always will be.

Funny thing about freedom though. It gives you the ability to give it up. How ironic.

Rod Eccles is the owner of the award winning RodEccles.Net website, Host of the popular audio/radio program – The Rod Eccles Show which returns to the air on Monday, January 3,2021 Noon to 3 pm Eastern on ZMA Radio. And he is a dynamic Key Note Speaker. You can find out more about Rod and his show and speaking engagements at www.RodEccles.Net

Friday, April 29, 2022

Musk. The Savior Of Free Speech?

There are a lot of folks freaking out over Elon Musk buying the social media giant, Twitter. And there are probably an equal number of folks praising the multi billion dollar buy as being the saving grace for Free Speech.

I think that the leftist who believe Mr. Musk will re-open the platform and allow more speech and ideas than previously allowed will actually be true. Will Elon Musk be the savior of Free Speech? I don't think that will be the case.

You see, freedom of speech is something that is in the heart and soul of each individual. And I mean every single person has this within them. The difference between say Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk is that Dorsey and those who follow him, cannot fathom that someone would disagree with them. And as such they are greatly offended by those who disagree with them.

Funny thing is, even if you can scientifically prove that your opinion is correct, if it differs in any way from what Dorsey and his ilk believe, they will seek to shut you down, shut you up and shut you off from public forums.

But...Dorsey and his crowd have no problems with promoting opinions they believe in even if they are blatantly wrong. But, hey, its what they think Democracy is.

Musk, on the other hand, is a bit smarter. He welcomes comments, opinions and debate with those who disagree with him. In fact Musk himself has publicly stated that he has learned a great deal from those that have disagreed with him.

Musk and his crew believe that an open forum and open debate is the best way to bring forth new ideas, parse those ideas and find the best ideas to move individuals and society forward.

Musk and his followers also believe that even those that offend them should have the right to espouse their beliefs and opinions. Indeed, it is easier to identify your enemy when you can hear them talk about how much they hate you.

There is nothing mysterious or dangerous about freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is freedom of thought. This is how a free society moves forward, progresses and makes strides to espouse even more freedom for its citizens.

There is nothing to fear from speech that is even hateful. It allows for all to see who is the hater, who espouses evil, who loves to restrict freedom, who wants to rule over you instead of govern with you.

Yes, the left hates free speech simply because it means they have a hard time, if not impossible time, in gaining power and ruling over you and me. In fact true free speech is so frightening to them that the Twitter board and Blue Check Leftists Twitter Users tried a number of idea on keeping the company out of Musk's hands.

So let me be clear. If someone espouses an idea that you abhor, that does not mean you get to keep them from sharing that idea. In fact, YOUR idea may be abhorrent to that person. You see, free speech, free expression flows two ways.

If its a one way street then you don't have freedom. You have authoritarianism. And that ain't constitutional. 


Rod is the Coolest, Most Politically Incorrect, Conservative Black Man on the Planet. He is the host of a fast growing Internet Radio Talk Show called the Rod Eccles Show which can be had at or on

Rod believes in the Constitution of the United States of America and that today, too many politicians think they can run our lives better than each of us. He is a staunch advocate of individual Liberty and Personal Responsibility.

Rod is also an avid reader and part time historian. He also loves to Mt Bike, hike, participate in sports like football, basketball and bowling (he really hates golf and says that "it is the most frustrating sport I have ever tried three times")

He resides in the great state of New Hampshire where the official motto is "Live Free or Die".

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Thursday, April 28, 2022


Liberals in the USA are NOT a Black Mans' Friend

Blacks should not support the Democratic Party in general. No minority group should support the Democratic Party in general. If you have read my comments anywhere on the web, here,, ArgueWithEveryone, and many other boards and forums then you know I have no love for the Democratic Party in general.

History has shown us just how racist and bigoted the Democratic Party was and to an extent, still is. The Democrats believe that minorities, especially blacks, cannot make it in life without their help. The dirty little secret is that the Democrats are the reason that minorities have a harder than normal time making it.

Democrats have shown through out history that they, in general, hate blacks and minorities. They have passed laws upholding segregation, poll taxes and much, much more. Democrats have shown through out history to be the major forces behind denying legislation that would give blacks and other minorities an equal voice in public discourse. (Jim Crow laws anyone?)

Civil Rights took so long to pass mainly because Democrats blocked its passage for decades before the 1960's. Indeed, the Democratic Party is the home of the KKK and slavery. This is documented fact and they cannot spin it any other way.

The Democratic Party had more members sitting in Congress who where also members of the KKK than any other party including the Republican Party. (Another historical fact Democrats try to hide.) Republicans have been the ones to advance civil liberty. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican for much of his adult life. Another historical fact.) Republicans have been the one who went to war to right a terrible wrong that was known as slavery.

As blacks succeed and join the ranks of the middle class and the upper class, you will notice that they tend to register and vote Republican. They specifically vote conservative. Republicans, in general, believe in the human spirit. Republicans believe that each individual has an equal opportunity to shine and become successful in any en devour they choose so long as government gets out of their way.

Democrats want to continue destroying urban minority families with their welfare policies and other public policies. They keep our schools in the inner city a mess. After all they are the ones who control most schools. Democrats are the largest block against vouchers or any kind of school choice. Even after such initiatives have been shown to boost minority education results.

A Democrat founded Planned Parent Hood and its original goal was to “control the minority population”. (A historical fact and its documented in its founding documents. Look it up.) Democrats have promised much to help minorities and inner cities and have delivered little if anything. Democrats are the ones who gave us “Don't ask, don't tell” in the military yet they blame the Republicans for it. A Democrat signed the “Defense of Marriage Act” but blame the Republicans for this law.

No, I will not vote for or support a party that has proven itself to be corrupt and racist. Shame on any minority that supports such a group. Including Obama. Why do we assist in our own destruction? I want the Democrats to come up with honest policy that truly is fair and colorblind. Until then, this Cool Black Man will remain conservative and most likely vote for a Republican. You should to if you are or if you like minorities.

Don't be a CHUMP!

The last word: Blacks still have a lot of voting power. And we have shown we can make a difference in elections still to this day. You have to ask yourself, with Democratic promises and Democratic Administrations and years of Congress controlled by Democrats, are we as a people better off? Are you better off?

All you have to do is look around. We have one Democratic policy after another that promised us a better life and all we get is death and destruction. Our schools are worse than ever before. Our inner cities are more violent than ever before. Our young men are locked away in prison in greater numbers than ever before. Yet you still vote for the same people who did this to us.

Don't be a chump. Understand the plan of the Democratic party is the plan of the KKK. Control the blacks, keep them down, keep them under control, keep them dependent on rich white plantation owners who are now just rich white politicians. Next time a politician promises you something, just say, "I ain't no chump" and vote for the other person who most likely won't be a Democrat.

3 minutes of wisdom and truth. Don't be a chump.