Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Nightmare is Just Begining

I have believed in freedom all my life. I have even had my life put in danger in the defense of that freedom. I will never stand and let someone tell me to my face that he wants to degrade my freedom, my families freedom, my country's freedom.

America is on the verge for the first time in our history of electing someone who has promised to take away our freedom and load our courts with judges that will systematically dismantle the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I wish this was just rhetoric. I wish I was just being an alarmist. I only wish.

Let the messiah tell you in his own words:

Vote! Vote for freedom! Vote for your freedom! Vote for the Constitution! You must vote and vote the right way. If you vote wrong, people, then we are on the road that Ancient Rome was on...the road to our own destruction. And that is historical fact.

Our Founding Fathers warned of us of people like this. Now your voice, my voice is about to be silenced with the wrong vote.

On Tuesday, November 4, 2008 vote for freedom. That is a vote that is never wrong.

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