Thursday, August 7, 2008

A few ramblings about this and that and the otherthing

Did we the people miss something here? How is it a guy can remain in office and still do everything wrong and illegal. I am talking about Kwame Kilpatrik the mayor of the fallen city of Detroit, MI.

Are we to believe he can get away with what he does simply because he is black and a Democrat? If this were a white Republican, we would be hearing for his lynching by now. This guy would not still be mayor and he probably would not be running around free on bail and/or bond.

If it were you or me, we would absolutely be locked up. Read the story for yourself:

It seems that this election is actually the season for flip flopping. Good grief, both candidates are flopping more than a fish our of water. Can we get some real leadership here? Can we get people who actually stand by what they say?

How are we, the American people, going to know who to vote for if these guys can't even stay the course on what they believe? Is it too much to ask that people actually stand for something and then stand by what they stand for?

This is just the tip of the ice burg with these two...and of course one is worse than the other but I will let you be the judge of that:

Can we take some personal responsibility here in this country? Why is it that when someone points to us, the individual, as being the one who needs to take care of our own business, that person is the one who gets ramrodded with vile and hate?

People in this country and in any other country, are in a financial pickle because of themselves for the most part. It is not President Bush's fault that people can't afford their mortgage. It is not my responsibility to bail someone out because they paid too much for their home.

By the same token, Mr. Obama cannot and should not bail anyone out of their own financial mess. If you are poor and broke in the United States of America, it is your own fault. Pure and simple. Otherwise, how do you explain how so many who are not born here, come here and get rich? They depend on themselves, not the government. They learn how to manage their own money and they take responsibility for themselves.

It is shameful to see how people lambaste this blogger for telling the truth.

Freedom is not free nor is it for the stupid or timid. It is for those who are brave, who take responsibility for their actions. It is for those who know that to live any other way is not living at all. It is for those who recognize that millions have fought and died over the centuries to protect freedom. To live any other way would be a great dishonor to those who served, fought and died. Think about it.

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