Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Health Care or Health Insurance?

There are some who have answers to the Health Care debate. And the answers are based on putting patients and doctors in charge of health care, not government, not insurance companies.

The one thing this video missed is the fact that insurance should be for covering the major things in health. Not every day things like physicals or because your kid gets the sniffles and you want to go to the doctors office because all you have to pay is a $10 co-pay.

Hey, think of this next time you visit your doctor under a stupid co-pay. How much do you pay annually for this kind of insurance? Then ask yourself how much did you use it? I think you will find that if you got yourself a major medical kind of insurance plan and banked the rest, you would have a ton of cash to pay for that stuff you now overpay for.

Think of health insurance as the Universal Life Insurance of health care. Everybody wins with that kind of insurance but the person who is actually insured. Thank about it.

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